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- PolyView by Polybytes.
- ======================
- PolyView is a shareware graphics viewer, file conversion, image manipulation,
- and printing utility for Windows NT and Windows 95. PolyView supports the
- majority of the popular image formats available on Windows and Unix systems.
- PolyView is authored and copyrighted by:
- Polybytes
- 3427 Bever Avenue S.E.
- Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52403
- e-mail: polybytes@kagi.com
- =============
- =============
- The executable file for PolyView downloads and distribution is a self-extracting
- archive that contains all the necessary installation information. Run the .EXE
- file from the Explorer or File Manager and press the setup button on the resulting
- dialog box. You will then be lead through a standard installation procedure.
- =============
- =============
- PolyView is a shareware program and as such it is permissable to load it onto
- any and all computer systems and networks. Polybytes' only requirement is that
- ALL the files contained in the PolyView ZIP archive be distributed together,
- preferably in their original archive. These file include:
- Readme.txt
- setup.exe
- _inst32i.ex_
- _isdel.exe
- _setup.dll
- _setup.lib
- data.z
- Setup.ins
- Setup.iss
- Setup.pkg
- uninst.exe
- ==============
- ==============
- Version 2.80.b1
- Added a Send To command to the image context menus. The Send To Apps
- tab of the Properties dialog can be updated with the names of up to
- 4 applications to send PolyView images to for further processing.
- The Directory Browser no longer resets the selected file position when
- a file is deleted.
- Fixed a problem which caused an access violation if the last file in the
- list presented by the Directory Browser was deleted.
- Version 2.80.b0
- Added an animated GIF creation command to the File menu. Automatic playback
- of animated GIFs will occur based on a setting in the General tab of the
- Properties dialog.
- Added the Next Page, Previous Page, and Go To Page commands on the View menu
- for moving around in multi-page TIFF, DCX, and GIF files.
- Added the option to append to DCX and TIFF files if export of those formats
- is specified to go to an existing file.
- Added an option to the Browsing tab of the Properties dialog to disable screen
- savers while a full screen display is in progress.
- Disabled the automatic assembly of tiled TIFF files. Tiled TIFF files are
- now handled like multipage TIFF files. (If requested an option to assemble
- a tiled TIFF into a complete bitmap image can be added for a future version
- of PolyView.)
- Added additional exception handlers to better deal with low memory situations.
- Version 2.70.2
- Improved the way the thumbnail pane positioning is managed when the
- Explore window is resized. This also corrects anomalous behavior when
- the Explore window is maximized.
- Version 2.70.1
- Fixed a problem which caused an access violation GPF to be generated
- if a corrupted thumbnail database file was encountered.
- Fixed a problem which caused the thumbnail for a renamed file to
- disappear until the containing folder was refreshed.
- Added some additional robustness for dealing with errors encountered
- while creating thumbnails.
- Version 2.70
- Created a new Browse menu which has some of the commands that were previously
- in the File menu, and several new ones (see below).
- Added an Open Script choice to the Browse menu for the direct opening of
- slide show script files.
- Added commands to the Browse menu to invoke a browser for directories and
- files marked during slide shows.
- Added the capability to display slide shows (or multiple slide shows) in
- on-screen windows. (See the Browsing tab of the Properties dialog.)
- Added the capability to mark files during slide shows, as well as pause and
- continue functionality.
- Added an option to the Browsing tab of the Properties dialog to expand slide
- show images to fill the available viewing area.
- Added an option to the Files tab of the Properties dialog to force PolyView
- to interpret multiple command line arguments as a single file name containing spaces.
- Added a command to the File menu save a file as wallpaper.
- Added the Display Reduction Method option to the General tab of the Properties
- dialog to control the method used to reduce a large image to a small window.
- Added the Background Color command to the Options menu to set the background
- color used for images.
- Added a Tools menu to facilitate selection of the area selection, zooming,
- and panning tools.
- Added an area selection tool to the Tools menu and the associated Crop and
- Copy Selected Area commands to the Edit menu.
- Added a panning tool to the Tools menu to simplify moving the visible window
- around in a large or zoomed image.
- Added a Photo-CD tab to the Properties dialog with options to control the size
- image to decompress from a photo-CD image pack file.
- Added a splash screen to display the PolyView logo during program startup and
- initialization, and added an option to the General tab of the Properties dialog
- to disable it.
- Added appearance adjustment commands to the context menu for an image.
- The thumbnail position now stays constant after Deleting an open image while the
- Explore window is open.
- Fixed a bug which caused misbehavior if full screen state was interrupted by a
- pop-up window or screen saver activation.
- Corrected the actions of the Tool Bar and Status Bar options in the View menu
- for the Explore window.
- Improved the screen update algorithms to reduce flickering when resizing image
- windows.
- Corrected the consistency of the actions on the thumbnail context menu of the
- Explore window. The Add to slide show and Delete options now affect all selected
- images.
- Clicking the right mouse button on the thumbnail pane of the Explore window
- no longer deselects selected images.
- Fixed a problem which caused a maximized window to be incorrectly displayed
- after a full screen slide show or image view operation had taken place.
- Fixed a bug in the Soften routine invoked through the Options menu.
- Fixed a bug in the Export Image command of the File menu which caused the last
- save/export directory to not be used.
- The splitter bar position in the Explore window is now restored between sessions.
- The thumbnail position now stays constant after Delete or Move operations in
- the Explore window.
- Fixed a problem which prevented purging the slide show list if the slide show dialog
- was closed with an empty list.
- Version 2.60.3
- Fixed a bug which could leave the last few rows of thumbnails unreachable
- in the Explore window.
- Version 2.60.2
- The slide show dialog now uses a device dependent bitmap for display if
- the corresponding option is checked in the General tab of the Properties
- dialog, resulting is a faster screen update on displays configured for
- more than 256 colors.
- Fixed a bug which corrupted the output file name during batch file format
- conversions if the destination directory was the root directory of a drive.
- Fixed a bug which caused excessive system resources to be used,
- and a potential for a stack failure, during the opening of some folders
- in the Explore window.
- Version 2.60
- Added Undo operations.
- Added variable thumbnail sizes.
- Added palette optimization techniques to improve display of thumbnails in
- 256 color systems.
- Added ReCreate Selected and Recreate All options from the Thumbnail menu of
- the Explore window to simplify recreation of thumbnails after a size change.
- Added a progress bar for the thumbnail creation process.
- Added a command to stop thumbnail creation.
- Added a Sort option on the View menu for the Explore window to sort thumbnails
- by Name, Type, Size, and Date, with either ascending or descending sort order.
- Improved the behavior when moving files in the Explore window so that the
- thumbnail for the image is retained.
- Improved the handling of large folders in the Explore window for better
- responsiveness.
- Added /E:Startup_Folder to the command line options to specify that the
- Explore window is to start with a specific folder opened.
- Example: polyview /E:c:\picture\my vacation
- Dragging thumbnails to the Recycle Bin icon in the Explore window tree is
- now supported.
- Added display of hidden folders in the Explore window
- Added standard length and width options on the dialog presented from the
- Options:Change Pixel Resolution command.
- Added the Gamma Adjustment operation to the Options menu.
- Added the Change Color Depth operation to the Options menu.
- Changed the layout of the slide show dialog when the screen resolution is
- 640x480 or 800x600 to achieve a better fit when large fonts have been selected.
- Deleting a displayed image from the File menu sends the file to the Recycle Bin
- on Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 system.
- Corrected a problem with the decompression of PNG files which are grayscaled
- and contain 16 bit channel information.
- Corrected a scrollbar thumb positioning problem after delete operations in the
- Explore window.
- Corrected the View:Refresh option of the Explore window to correctly update
- when folder configurations have changed.
- Fixed a problem with color map manipulations which caused printing and other
- difficulties when the number of colors in an image is less than the maximum.
- Version 2.53
- Fix: Problem with interpolating 24 bit images with display mode set to
- 256 colors.
- Version 2.52
- Fix: Problems with interpolation which make minor improvements for 24
- bit/pixel images, and major improvements for 8 bit/pixel images.
- Version 2.51
- Add: Option to turn off device dependent bitmap generation.
- Add: Option to create new window from some filtering actions.
- Add: Neon filter to Special Effects.
- Fix: Problem with output format in Format Conversions window when
- the user is unregistered.
- Version 2.50
- Add: Batch file format conversions. (Windows 95, Windows NT 4.0)
- Add: Various image manipulation filters, including sharpening, softening,
- edge enhance and detection, negative, and special effects filters.
- Add: Duplicate Image command.
- Add: Improvements to 1 and 4 bit/pixel image handling.
- Add: Additional 1 and 4 bit/pixel save formats.
- Add: Optimizations to improve speed of initial image display.
- Add: Refresh option on thumbnail pane.
- Add: Sort button on slide show dialog.
- Add: Optional higher quality print routines.
- Add: Progress bar options.
- Add: Enhanced printing on monochrome printers.
- Fix: Explore window folder size limitation on Windows 95.
- Fix: Problem with "Add All" button functionality on some Windows 95 systems.
- Fix: Restored old behavior of keeping child windows maximized.
- Fix: Print Visible and Print Preview Visible image boundaries were
- incorrectly calculated.
- Fix: Corrected a condition which could leave a file open when it was not
- recognized as any valid format.
- Fix: Double-clicking a file in the slide show dialog now correctly performs
- an Add operation.
- Version 2.40
- Add: Image format support for more than 20 new formats.
- Add: Slide show dialog converted to Windows 95 standard to take advantage
- of drag and drop for slide show building and ordering.
- Fix: Corrected problem with image manipulations not being saved properly.
- Version 2.30
- Add: The Explore window (Windows 95, Windows NT 3.51 with Shell Technology
- Preview, Windows NT 4.0)
- Add: Windows 95 compliant setup and uninstall procedures.
- Version 2.21:
- Add: Transparent Color dialog for specification of GIF transparency.
- File type used for the last file exported is now remembered as the
- starting type for a new export.
- Fix: Incompatibilities with Windows 95 taskbar during full screen modes.
- Errors occurring during manual slide shows were not ignored.
- Improved recovery from certain varieties of GIF file corruption.
- Image sizing and full screen behavior when the PolyView toolbar is
- floating instead of docked on a window edge.
- Version 2.20:
- Add: Image resolution changing with smoothing.
- Interpolated zooming.
- Slide show errors can now be ignored.
- Fix: Mark created windows as modified so "Save on exit prompt" will occur
- if configured to do so.
- Version 2.19:
- Add: Printing (for registered users)
- Print preview (for registered users)
- Fix: Behavior with screen resolution changes under Windows 95
- Version 2.18:
- Add: Individual image timing during slide shows.
- 24 bit gray scale images written to PNG 8 bit gray scale.
- GIF file exporting.
- Progressive JPEG file exporting.
- Separate open and save(export) directory paths.
- MRU file list operations(purge, purge on exit, variable size).
- Fix: Browsing properties dialog problem.
- Version 2.17
- Add: Export to PNG files. (Registered users only.)
- Reading of progressive JPEG files.
- Restored ability to write 8 bit images to JPEG files.
- Added Randomization of slide shows.
- Version 2.16
- Add: PNG file viewing.
- Correct: Image sizing now correct for side positioning of toolbar.
- Version 2.15
- Correct:
- Fixed a bug which prevented the file-open dialog from working
- correctly.
- Version 2.14
- Add:
- File saving to 8 bit RLE bitmap format.
- File saving to 16 bit bitmap format.
- Multiple file selection from file open dialog.
- Saving user entered comments to JPEG files.
- Implementation of a registration key system to provide certain
- features only to registered users. Note that ALL features of
- PolyView which were available prior to this change are still
- fully functional.
- Version 2.13
- Correct:
- Implemented command line parsing to handle file dragged from
- Explorer to PolyView shortcut.
- Corrected behavior when one or more slideshow scripts are dragged
- and dropped on PolyView.
- Version 2.12
- Add:
- Display of filenames during full screen modes.
- Version 2.11
- Add:
- File:Image Properties command.
- Image context menus from right mouse button.
- Correct:
- File handle release error on JPEG files.
- Version 2.10
- Add:
- Support for 1, 4, 16, and 32 bit BMP files, including 4 and 8 bit RLE.
- Copy and Paste of bitmaps to and from the Windows clipboard
- Scripted slide shows
- Background operation of image manipulation of file saving activities.
- Version 2.00
- This version adds file saving and conversion capabilities and thus
- no longer uses the image configuration files created by previous versions.
- All the .PVI files created by PolyView can be safely deleted.